Event list for 17. 4. 2018
Running Yoga
07.30 - 08.30
Place: Running Mall
Event is public
SPORT LOUNGEOur yoga sessions are tailored to fit all of you seeking stretching, muscle strengthening, and relaxation at the same time. You will connect to your spiritual self through practicing concentration on your breath, focusing on the inner side of your body, as well as proper performance of every position.
All of us are in constant rush these days, yoga teaches us how to stop for a while and enjoy the presence. You will recognize the positive impact yoga has on your body, mind and soul after repeated practicing.
Warning for the Running Mall visitors: Sport Lounge is closed during the Running Yoga lesson. Keep silence, please.
Trainer:Zuzana Čurdová
Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration
Members of PIM Club : Free entry
Single entry: 200 CZK
PIM Running Club training (marthon training)
18.30 - 20.00
Place: Running Mall
Event is public
SPORT LOUNGE, RUN TRAININGCo Vás na tomto tréninku čeká?
- Zahřátí a rozcvička 10 minut
- proměnlivý profil 80 minut, int. 65%
- posílení horní poloviny 15 minut
- Strečink 10-15 minut
Účast na lekci je možná pouze po předchozí registraci
Členové PIM Běžeckého klubu: Zdarma
Jednotlivý vstup: 200 Kč