Event list for 25. 6. 2015
Tempo - for registered only
09.00 - 10.30
Event is public
Capacity: 20For those with the need for speed. The advice and style of this training session will get you to the finish line quicker. But we are doing more thank only "faster" kilometres. We focus on the warm-up, running excersises, after the training we stretch well.
Trainer: Michal
18.30 - 19.30
Event is public
Capacity: 40The long - awaited moment is here. Jerrel Feller is preparing his outside club trainings. You can rely, it will be a pretty intensive workout rich in dynamic running exercises. And, maybe you can go in a small contest. Do you really want to be faster? Come and run with our Olympionic sprinter!
Trainer: Jerrel