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Home » Running Trainings » Get back in shape with Eva Vrabcová Nývltová

Get back in shape with Eva Vrabcová Nývltová

We have to postpone this program due to medical situation. We will inform you about new dates. Thanks for understanding.

Eva is not only one of the most successful  and cheered  athletes in Czech Republic, she is also a wife and a mother.
It requires  determination, power of will, organization and strong motivation!

How does she do it?

We have together  prepared a 3 months long coaching  program that will simply  blow your mind!  We have combined  live and online training, online workshops and a nutrition session directly from her kitchen.
Join  the program “Get in shape with Eva Vrabcová”  to get  physically and emotionally back in shape!

The program  includes

  • 5 online group trainings 
  • 2 live trainings from the Running Mall
  • 1 online nutrition workshop
  • a workout plan for the 3 months

It includes complimentary

  • 15%  discount on the nutrition consultation in the Running Mall
  • 1 voucher for 20% in the adidas running Prague Marathon Store and consultation by our runner expert
  • 3 free entries  for other  activities to choose from the Running Mall calendar
  • attendance Certificate signed by Eva

Details of the program

  • TBC – get back in shape – online training

  • TBC – strengthen your body for running - online training 

  • TBC – how to help your body regenerate faster - online  training workshop

  • TBC – running technique training -  live training at RM   

  • TBC – sport and nutrition  - online training and  workshop

  • TBC – professional sport and  family: time management - online training  workshop 

  • TBC – run and fitness (gym) for runners - live training at RM 

  • TBC – in the kitchen with Eva - online workshop

Price for the whole program: 4.500 CZK